Coming Alive

Coming Alive:
an individual, 90+ minute session, where I bring all of my presence, and all of the tools in my medicine basket, to support the awakening and embodiment of your true nature.
Through a combination of psychic guidance, somatic experiencing, archetypal exploration, and song medicine alongside infinite support in the otherworlds, we birth your soul back into your body. Through these sessions, we find the knots and kinks in your rivers of creation, and we restore its nature as a vessel for creation. Some people like to think of them as shamanic energy medicine sessions, but more simply, we’re letting the truth run free through your body, mind and soul.
The medicine in these sessions is borne of years of training with indigenous healers, plant and earth medicines in multiple lineages, and is a deep reorientation to your Self, your experience of Life, and your consciousness.
These sessions are offered online (via Zoom) or in-person (currently in Birmingham, Alabama).

If you find yourself in a place of creative, relational or spiritual stagnation, where you’re ready to be witnessed, held, and re-born as a higher octave of who you truly are, this is the medicine for you.
“There really aren't words for the experience of my session with you. It was an absolute profound immersion into myself. I am grateful beyond words for how it has left me . . .”
— Michele Shields

Do you remember the feeling of ecstasy that comes from knowing, deep in your bones, you’re exactly where you’re supposed to be?
Welcome to Coming Alive.
These sessions offer profound energetic, emotional, and somatic support for all those:
- ready to collapse outdated, habitual mental, emotional and somatic patterns
- longing to reclaim their personal power, life force and creative expression
- feeling ready to let go of old ways of relating to Life, and meet it more consciously
- who find themselves drawn to psychic, archetypal and multidimensional healing
- who are intrigued by indigenous, shamanic perspectives on the human experience
- are moving through deep initiations — death, divorce, moving, marriage, birth
- feel undersupported by traditional talk therapy and long for multi-dimensional guidance
- are truly ready to step out of realms of half-living and come alive