Each of our souls
carries a song.

This sound, this song, this harmonic field, is part of our medicine. Within our soul songs, we carry everything we need to navigate the human experience, and offer our deepest gifts to Earth.
The women in my Father line are singers, songwriters, and choralists—and I was born onto Earth with song radiating through my bones. But once I found the icaros (sacred plant songs) of the Amazon, and invited them to open the rivers of Truth in my body, true life began to dance and pour through my voice—I became a vessel for the sounds of Soul.
At this point in time, science is beginning to prove what shamans, healers and human hearts have known since the beginning of time: sound heals our bodies and souls, and carries the power to the doorways to deeper consciousness.
The Sound Medicine I offer, whether in ceremony or in recorded song, carries the encoded wisdom of all I have been and all I have become, woven with the wisdom of Earth and the Cosmos, and the Lineages of Light I carry.
My two full-length studio albums, LIGHT and Roots and Stars, and a myriad of singles can be streamed through Spotify, Apple Music, or wherever you listen.
These songs are medicine, borne of plants, Earth, myth, Christlight and liberation—and are my gift to you. Let their medicine open your rivers of creation, and remember: nothing can separate you from All That You Are.
Enjoy their music videos below, music woven through living myth.

Beloved, I would love tosingfor you.

Have you ever found that a song transported you into childhood memories, or a transformative scene from a movie, and reminded you of what was important in your life?
That’s what Sound Medicine does, too.
Through years of learning with indigenous healers in the Amazon Basin, alongside reclaiming my soul’s truth, I restored by voice’s capacity to channel healing through sound. These journeys are truly medicine for your awakening and embodiment.
Sound Medicine ceremonies, which I periodically offer as full-scale journeys, and regularly offer inside of sessions, retreats and workshops, invite us to drop our fixation on the outside world, and surrender to the rivers of creation deep inside ourselves. They are otherworldly, shamanic sound medicine, to receive whenever you choose, from the comfort of home.
No matter where you are in the world, or whether we can connect live, you’re welcome to start with a set of three, pre-recorded journeys in my Sound Journey Room, to listen to, whenever you desire.
Each of these journeys is recorded live, and holds medicine from the specific time, community, and place on Earth in which it was conceived and born. May the sounds and songs in these transmissions guide you deep into the heart of your being, and bring you back to Life.