What would it mean to fully enter the storyof your Life?

The truth is, we are all living stories.
We are comprised of ancestors, culture, mythic tales of right and wrong, and radiant beauty, borne from ashes.
This is what we are.
My maternal grandmother was a natural born storyteller, and my mother is a poet. Their gifts have been passed down through the strands of my DNA, and are reborn within me, now. But what I have learned from the elders I have met, in cultures around the world, is that the stories we tell create our worlds.
So, instead of living out the story that someone, somewhere, from some strange place, handed me, I opened the book, read the fine print, and took the typewriter back. (And you can, too.)
This is the power we hold when we tell our stories.
So, along the way, I began to channel stories— the kind that wake us up to Who We Really Are.
This Story Medicine I offer, whether in essay, poem, audio transmission or multi-media expression, carries the memory of sacred storytelling from ancient cultures around the world, and the frequency and medicine of of my own true voice. The one that guided (and still guides) me Home.

Listen to We Are
A visual and auditory experience of our shared human experience here on Earth, wound and bound across the ethers of time and space.
A love poem to Us.

Beloved, can I tell you astory?
If you’re someone who is naturally drawn to (and is transformed by!) essays, poetry and multi-media, this is the medicine for you.

As I have journeyed through years of awakening (and all its glories and challenges!), my creativity is a steadfast pathway Home. Even though I have undergraduate degrees in English Literature, and in Theatre, and a Master’s Degree in English Education, no amount of formal education could have prepared me for the way I would need my creativity – that it would become a golden thread bringing me back to Life. And that’s why I created Story Medicine—because it invites us to make Life out of everything (seemingly) broken.
The truth is, beloved, you are the heroine of your life.
And every tiny, mundane, human thing happening within and around you can be part of the epic tale of The One Who Finds the Way Home.
Would you love to hear more of my stories?
Enjoy 2 free transmissions:
“Creation: The Fall + The Return” and “Deeper, I Go”