Are you ready to awaken and embody your creative and magical capacities, here,now?
Spark the memory of your true nature with this free ceremonial sound journey through the layers of Earth, and receive the medicine of Her rivers of creation.

Rivers of Creation is a school for sacred life, borne of the union of the magical and the mundane, the creative and practical, the human and divine. It is a place where you can remember and embody creative innocence and infinite potential, as you remember how to shift, shape and dance with Life on Earth.
It is a school for becoming truly, fully human, in all its forms.
Within Rivers of Creation, there are multiple rivers of learning: portals, ladders and passageways between the realms of creativity, awakening, ceremony, devotion, and practical, Life-serving magic.

Are you ready to dive in and join us for in class in Rivers of Creation this semester? Here’s the course catalogue for 2024 - 2025!

Live Courses:

'O'hia Sophia: Ceremonial Medicine Practicum + Retreat
‘OHIA SOPHIA: Song of Dragon Awakening
is both a 44-Day Sophianic Ceremonial Practicum and in-person retreat into the wildly fertile lineage from which all primordial beings were once separated. Live, in collaboration with my dear friend Eliza Maora, from February - March, 2025.
Becoming the Myth
Becoming the Myth is a five-month, online Creative Writing Womb to support you in writing yourself fully alive so that you can embody your legacy on Earth. We will gather bi-weekly (10 classes total) to each personally write series of essays that support and enhance our journeys of awakening. September 2024 - January 2025.
Mysteries of the Deep
Mysteries of the Deep is a bi-weekly in-person gathering with women here in Birmingham, Alabama, who long to gather in community and meet the mysteries of the Great Mother. Together, we will explore sexuality, intimacy, conception, gestation, and birth-- in all their multidimensional forms. Starting in November 2024, then ongoing.

Self-Paced Courses:

Demystifying Healing
A 16+ hour self-paced home course designed to open the doors of awareness to the layers of interconnection in your healing (and awakening journey).
Rose, Sword, Rainbow
An 8+ hour self-paced home course that awakens your voice and your sacred song, and explores the ways to offer it as a gift for personal and collective healing.
Whale Womb Dreaming
A 3+ hour deep dive communion with migrating whales in the Hawaiian Islands, inviting us to explore the dreams and conceptions we hold in our dreaming wombs.
Leading from the Great Empty
A 90-minute workshop that explores leading and supporting our communities during times of crisis and change, without holding on to what was, or grasping for what will be.
Light in the Darkness
A 90+ minute workshop that includes formal instruction on the making of floral medicine waters, myths and stories of the plants, and activation of song and prayer medicine for healing.

If you:
Long to immerse yourself in the realms of Earth, ceremony, medicine and everyday magic
Want to understand how myth, song, storytelling and medicine can inform your human journey
Want to feel full-embodied in the human experience, and remember its whole spectrum
Long to resolve (within yourself!) the binaries of religion and indigenous wisdom
Have a deep desire to awaken and embody your creative and intuitive gifts
Know you are here for more Life than our culture has offered to you…
Are ready to remember, embody, and live and create as living light on Earth
And you:
Seek community through which you can explore and embody your awakening self
Long for direct, clear teachings that weave body, heart, soul and the Great Mystery
Desire both direct teachings and the medicine of community integration
Seek a spark that will begin awaken and nourish a deeper sense of your true nature
Are psychic, intuitive, shamanically attuned, or deeply creative, and long for a safe Home
Feel touched by or drawn to any of Jane’s creations
Feel inspired, excited, thrilled, ignited by the invitations in this school—
Rivers of Creation
welcomes you Home.

I see you. I know the rivers of creation that flow deep inside inside you, and the deep longing you have to bring them back to radiant Life.
That’s why I brought this school, this sanctuary, this haven, into form. Whether you’ve been walking your journey for 1,000 lifetimes, or whether you are just waking up to the magnificence of Creation, you are welcome here.
There truly is a place for you here, exactly where, and exactly as you are.
Join us – for a live class this semester, a self-paced course, at a live gathering, or through a sound medicine subscription. Each river of medicine is designed to meet you where you are, and subtly awaken the spark of Creation that you be.
Welcome home.
And if you’re still exploring whether investing in this field of medicine is right for you, dive into a free ceremonial sound journey with me.
Journey with me to the Rivers of Creation, where we find the Source of All Life, within and without. Together, we remember how to embody True Life.

And no matter how you choose to pray, play and create with us, please know that you are fully loved as you already are. You are sacred creation, borne of the union of the magical and the mundane, the creative and practical, the human and divine.
Together, we are a place where we remember and embody our creative innocence and our infinite potential, to shift and shape Life on Earth. Together, we are becoming truly, fully human.