Womb Alchemy

Womb Alchemy:
an individual, 90+ minute session, woven of slow, deep, attuned energetic alchemy work with the Great Mother, alongside Her plant and Earth allies, created to support the shedding, awakening and nourishment of your creative-sexual Life Force.
Through personal initiations of every color (from abuse, addiction, IVF, miscarriage, creative and sexual reclamation and natural pregnancy at 40), I have met the infinite depths and webs of the womb fields. And through years of shamanic plant dieta with womb healing plants like Rose and Ohia Lehua, travels to and studies with the Great Motherlands of Peru, Ireland and Hawaii, alongside an extensive holistic birth and death doula training, and a personal devotion to the tantric mysteries, I offer myself in service to Her rivers of Creation.
As I become a deeper and deeper physical embodiment of Her, She is asking me to support women of all ages in returning to the primordial power and innocence of the womb. Womb Alchemy Sessions hold this field.
These sessions are offered online (via Zoom) or in-person (currently in Birmingham, Alabama).

If you are ready to dive into the pain, pleasure, and infinite, innocent, creative potential of your womb, this medicine is for you.

Womb Alchemy Sessions offer profound energetic, emotional, and somatic support for those:
- ready to restore the innocence, potency and fertility of their wombs
- longing to birth long-held creative dreams and projects onto Earth
- feeling ready to seed, conceive and gestate new realms of consciousness
- who find themselves on a journey of conscious conception or pre-conception
- who are ready to release old partnerships, pregnancies and trauma from their wombs
- want to reclaim and restore the innocence of their sexuality and creativity
- long to learn and explore the womb mysteries and the Great Mother
- feel undersupported by the western medical system’s reproductive care
- long for deeper support that simply talk therapy or hormonal treatments
- are ready to want to meet and embody the depths and breadths of the Rivers of Creation, no matter their stage of Life (maiden, mother, crone)