
Willing I am willing to stay.I am will-ing my soul to stay—to fulfill this contract with the Earth,with this hearth, this wild home. I am will-ing myself to embracethe shadow and the light,the ferocity and the fear—the bodies and the sweat—and the pain and the tears—the searing flesh—the terrifying fall—the overwhelminglove. I am willing to be here. For before, I have left—before, I have said, “No, thank you—this wild and outrageous planet istoo dark, too wild, too unpredictable.” I have flipped the switch,tucked back through too soon—chosen the planets of sound and light,waiting for the choice to come backto a Earth lifetime that doesn’t include pain. But, they tell me,(as they have told me before),It. will. never. come. This planet is a planet of pain. And you come tore-member your strength—to bridge stardust and soil—to weave the power and inexplicable love you know so wellinto the dense and terrible matter of this wild and capricious planet. And so, this time, this time, this time.I am willing to stay. I am will-ing myself to stay.

Jane Mayer

Jane Mayer is a medicine woman, creative, doula, and guide to the unseen realms, who delights in supporting humans and Earth in coming fully alive. Alongside supporting private clients, she writes, records and performs music, and guides a school for creativity and awakening.

A keeper of song and a lover of mythos, her practice is borne of the weaving of indigenous medicine from Peru, Hawaii and Ireland, the Christian mysticism of her home in the deep South, and a depth of knowledge in the nervous system, subtle body, and the somatic experience of awakening.

She holds deep trust in the wild intelligence of nature to guide all of Creation, and orients others to their deeper nature and innate gifts with sound, myth, dreams, plant, energy medicine and somatic integration.

She is devoted to the heart of all things, sacred union, and the liberation of all beings. To learn more, visit iamjanemayer.com.


The Fertile Void


There Is A Place for You at Our Table