The Beloved
There is something particularly devastatingly, gut-wrenchingly beautiful about the moment when we realize that it is OurSelves we have been seeklng all along.Our separation from ourselves—through incarnation on Earth, through abuse, addiction, trauma, loss, societal expectation, laws of oppressive nation states, environmental decline—is devastating. It shatters our holiness into a thousands pieces of glass, fragmenting us across time and space. Every shard of mirrored glass seeking itself in something outside.Relationship, status, money, home, car—even spiritual perfection. We seek ourselves in TV shows and food and travel. It is the trap of Samsara—the endless web of illusion. It is neverending. We chase our tails.When we finally fall at the feet of the Mystery, weeping at our powerlessness and meaninglessness and terror—we can start to remember.As we turn inward, as we listen, as we bow, as we sing, and dance and pray and weep, we start to come home. We welcome ourselves across time and space, and we begin to remember that the mirrored shards of ourselves can never be reflected back to us from the outside.They are ours. Us. The Sacred One.When we finally fall at the feet of the Self, the whole, sacred Self, there is nothing left to do but weep. And the Christ and the Buddha and the sacred teachers who have planted seeds upon the soil of this Earth come again. Inside us. Because we have remembered Who We Are. And the whole world changes.The time has come, beautiful creature. It was You you have been looking for all along.Weep. Bow. Embrace.The beloved has come home.