How Liberation Goes
(c) Jane Mayer, 2020
I wrestle, I cling, I surrender, I grasp again
the snakes writhe from the center of my being
up and out of my holy heart
I breathe them back down and in
This is hard.
This is practice.
This is a skill.
I want this pain to go away.
I want this ache to stop.
I want to be free.
But when I get to the very edge
the edge where everything might really dissolve
I panic, afraid of losing You
(or at least I think that’s what it means—
that I will have to say goodbye completely
and let you die)
I hate this part
I am so tired of grieving
so tired of losing
so tired of letting go
the grief IS the letting go
And then again, comes the part that doesn’t want to let go
that doesn’t want to ache
that thinks if she can find a way
she won’t have to feel this heartache—
and then, a voice of Love: “This is what love is--
to love is to let your heart break.”
Oh, Holy Mother, Holy Father, teach me about Love.
I feel like a fawn, learning to walk
not understanding, not knowing how
or why all this works in this mysterious spiral ways
but this I know:
everytime I cling, I reinforce the pain
the compassion for this experience
the magnitiude of these teachings
is so far beyond my human comprehension
Ah! Right:
I don’t have to understand it all
I don’t have to see the map and the play by play
I don’t have to know here all of it is going or how it all works
I just have to practice
letting go
seeing and embodying truth
Loving with an open heart with no guarantees
Singing with an open throat with no guarantees
Aching with an open soul with no end in sight
Sitting in stillness
without holding on
Like Christ on the Cross
wailing and weeping and praying for Home