Birth and the Organic Gaian Time Matrix

As I near the portals of birth, which feel closer and closer each day (and which, very soon! will invite me completely off of these platforms for a period of time), I am beginning to feel and remember with deep clarity, the medicine of the organic Gaian time matrix.

In its simplest form, we remember organic time when we witness the natural change of the seasons—the ways in which a complex and extraordinary silent symphony communicates to have trees blossom after the depths of winter and animals return from hibernation. In this world, the perfect cascades of communication unfold—the temperature of skin, of soil, the fractals of light, the sounds of rivers, all indicate the optimal conditions for flowering. All of these come into perfect union for Life to die and be reborn every year.

Our attempts to control and calendarize this intelligence has never worked, nor has it ever provided anything useful—and instead only serves to separate our own bodies and consciousness from this greater Whole. And we suffer, deeply.

As I near the portals of birth, and this baby’s transition from my womb into the womb of Gaia, I feel this so deeply. I can send the subtle shifts of hormones in my body—the dreams of breastfeeding, the ways that smells are magnifying, the ways my instinctual body is tracking the physical and energetic distance of my birth team. I can feel my cervix ripening, softening. I can feel my tolerance for instability decreasing, and my deep instinctual need for rest.

And I know, deep in my cellular memory, that there is a moment when baby and I will come into perfect harmony – our hormone cascade, our light bodies, our soul’s trajectories, will come into perfect union, and labor will begin.

I trust this with every cell of my body, even when what I see and hear around me are seemingly endless stories of inductions, planned birthdays, planned c-sections, needs for forceps, vacuums and endless other ‘tools’ we’ve invented, just like the calender, to try and control the wild, unpredictable nature of Life.

Several years of communion with the Great Mother on Kauai, and on Big Island, and in the great Motherlands of the Pacific, restored this memory in me. And even now, months later, her integrations somehow seen to be just beginning. She is so intelligent in her unfolding.

I see in my womb, and the wombs of the women who are choosing it, the restoration of this organic time, which we might even not call time at all, but perhaps, the organic song. The organic harmonic union. The organic symphony.

I watch Ohia Lehua and Uluhe, the fern of Creation, work their magic. I watch the rose, blossoming, the dragons uniting, the rainbow light pouring in.

I am watching Creation take Her rightful throne at the center of the center, even when we. are scared, when we are afraid, when we are unsure how Life could possibly live without *us.*

I am watching more and more and more of us dissolve our plans and agendas and designs, as we allow the great song of creation to be born through us.

Holy, holy, holy, We are.

God of power and light.

Heaven and Earth are full,

full of your glory.

Hosanna in the Highest.

Hosanna in the Highest.

May Life return, within and without us.

May Creation reign.

Jane Mayer

Jane Mayer is a medicine woman, creative, doula, and guide to the unseen realms, who delights in supporting humans and Earth in coming fully alive. Alongside supporting private clients, she writes, records and performs music, and guides a school for creativity and awakening.

A keeper of song and a lover of mythos, her practice is borne of the weaving of indigenous medicine from Peru, Hawaii and Ireland, the Christian mysticism of her home in the deep South, and a depth of knowledge in the nervous system, subtle body, and the somatic experience of awakening.

She holds deep trust in the wild intelligence of nature to guide all of Creation, and orients others to their deeper nature and innate gifts with sound, myth, dreams, plant, energy medicine and somatic integration.

She is devoted to the heart of all things, sacred union, and the liberation of all beings. To learn more, visit

The First 40 Days


The Mothers of Creation