Our Fate
We humans often fail to remember (over and over and over again!) is that our health, well-being and thriving are inexplicably and inextricably interwoven with the thriving of Earth.
We ARE made of her soil, her minerals, her plants, her light, her animals. Our entire physical bodies, our dragon bodies, our animal bodies, are made of Earth. When she suffers, we do too. When we have access to places where she is thriving, we do too. I have lived this firsthand.
Earth is a dragon-land – it is a planet born of and through and for—the wild, wild primordial forces and elementals and waterfalls and mountains and rivers and caves to be WILD AND FREE. This wildness, this freedom, this wealth and abundance in Earth—this is what makes it so for us, too. We are all bound together in this Mystery.
As Oran and I took a walk this morning, through the sunlight dappled, blessedly cooling autumn air here in Alabama, the dragons begin to speak to me.
(Side note: if you know me from here, our shared homeland in Alabama, and this sounds strange to you—that is okay. And I also wonder—what it would be like to consider that I may not be crazy? What would it mean if a daughter of this place, born into wealth in the deep South, raised in the finest schools, and generally otherwise ‘normal’, heard the voices of Earth, and the memory of dragons? Then what? What else could be true for all of us?)
The dragons reminded me this morning that Earth Is a sacred planet in the universe—that the Garden of Eden—this glittering emerald and sapphire sentient being—is a marvel in the universal cosmos, and that many life forms wait with bated breath to see Her Fate. In many ways, what happens to Earth is crucial to Life. We are, as humans, part of a vast and complex and grand mystery, and we. have the privilege to be incarnate on a wild, wise, luscious, radiant, rainbow planet. And yet, we are mostly all dying, asleep to what we are.
The dragons (the wise, wild, primal forces of Earth) reminded me how important it is to talk about them, support them, pray with them, embody them, feed them, speak of them—to make sure they are being tended. Tend them with despacho, with sacred birth ceremony, with sacred death ceremony, with holy lovemaking, with heart, with minerals and rich food, and sacred animal slaughtering and hunting. We must include the primal wildness of our humanity, honor it, place it the altar, let it bring us alive.
We cannot go gently into the good night of complacency, and dissociation and technology. We cannot numb ourselves or poison ourselves. We cannot damn the wild rivers and bury trash in caves. We cannot numb ourselves with pornography and fast food and social media. But we are. We are destroying what is sacred. What we are doing is making ourselves sick.
The dragons this morning speak of fate--- there is a fate that is coming. And it is not *fated* but more of a cause and effect—more of a fate that comes from the choices we make now. The prayers we choose, the songs we sing, the paths we choose to walk. It matters, beloveds. The dragons say, it matters. This wild wise plant, our Mother, our bodies, our children, our animals, our waterfalls, our entire fates—hang in the balance.
If your prayer is this, if you walk with us, if you know that of which I speak, come and gather. We need each other now, to walk this path. My beloved Richard and I are gathering humans and Earth together next Sunday in Chelsea for a day, and my dear sister Eliza and I are convening an entire lineage and beloveds and soul family, in Hawaii this spring. Come be with us.
You are needed. Your medicine matters. Your embodiment, your life, your joy, your thriving matters. The fate of our Home hangs in the balance of our simple choices to keep Gaia wild and free, and full of radiant rainbow Life.
And so it is.