The Magical + Mundane

The Magical + Mundane is a year-long, community practicum which invites all previous students (in any classes or mentorships), to gather each month for ceremony, integration, celebration, co-creation and community. 

This is our sacred home: a place where we come together to practice weaving our medicine with our everyday lives, workshop challenges (both magical and mundane), and continue to deepen our intuitive skills, devotional hearts, and gifts as a community. Community members will also be invited to share, participate and offer medicine each month, alongside Jane’s ceremonial holding and intuitive guidance. We gather once a month, for three hours, and create a home field where we remember who we are. 

The Magical & Mundane includes:

12, LIVE (on Zoom) 3-hour ceremonial gathering circles + wisdom shares, over a year

An opportunity to share wisdom, and receive support for challenges, magical and mundane

An online community space to touch in, share and request support between gatherings

A place to feel held in mentorship, community and witness, as you walk your human path

Continuous support in developing your intuitive gifts and in workshopping challenges

Periodic shamanic teachings, meditations, resources and activations, as led by Spirit

A community of beings committed to living in the weaving of human and holy 

First invitations (and small discounts) for in-person retreats over the year 

An opportunity to receive 1:1 Integration Space sessions with Jane

If you’re looking for regular connection with Jane, the support of a community of devoted, shamanically-attuned beings, and a place for celebration, song, ceremony and continued guidance, The Magical & Mundane is for you.

The Magical & Mundane is borne of a deep longing for this community—a place to continuously gather, grow, celebrate and workshop the complexities of the human experience, all for a longer period of time, and at a lower investment. I hope is that it is a doorway into the magic, and a balm for the mundane: that it both challenges us to keep connected to our deepest nature, and celebrates the joy of simply being alive. It’s a place for all of us to do the human thing, which is so full of magic, together. 

Welcome home, Beloved.
The Magical & Mundane awaits you. 

This year-long practicum & community gathering space is offered on a sliding scale to ensure access by all members of this community. Please consider your capacity for sustainable reciprocity.

The doors to The Magical & Mundane are now closed.