The One Becoming Two
“The One Becoming Two”
January 2022
I am perceiving of late, deep, deep thinning of the veils—
Like thinning cervical mucous
an effacing, a horizontal lengthening
like the invisible coming to the light
mitosis, the One becoming Two
two timespaces
bilocating consciousness
the One becoming Two
I am seeing how it happened—
how we forgot that we are God
that we are One
we began to see ourselves in more than one place, more than one life, more than one dimension
we felt separate.
But what if the One is not a pinpoint, a singleness, but rather a multitude? What if God is not Abraham on a throne, but the Mother, too?
What if the Holy One is all things, dancing as whales and ferns and skeletons and hummingbirds and lovemaking and rage?
What if the One is not two, not separated, but rather complexity itself, Life borne through this matter-ial realm into infinite holographic versions of truth and beauty?
What if, just what if, God is both the holy fire, the cosmic pillar of light, and his consort the watery realms of this miraculous blue planet. And He loves Her form, and She loves His light?
What then would we say about who we are? Could we love ALL of ourselves, if we could remember?
Could we remember that nothing is wrong, and that we are children of Truth and Love?