Alchemizing Shame

There is a particular freedom that blossoms when we can no longer be shamed, or shame ourselves, for the messy path of awakening in this world-- a particular feeling of power that arises when we are no longer afraid of our imperfections, of our humanity, of our journey. 

This matrix we live inside of is built upon us trying to cover our shame, make ourselves worthy, become something of value we perceive that we aren’t. When we no longer allow ourselves to be bound in this way, a depth of freedom wells up from the inside out.

For many of us, incarnating onto this planet meant taking on deeply fragmented lines of DNA—ones in which power, control, manipulation, co-dependency, sexual shadow, repression, abuse—ran rampant, buried in the realms of the unconscious.

For many of us, we, too, swam in these waters, unconscious, for eons.

We are awakening.

And a massive part of that process is dissolving the shame that we associate with our very human existence, born into our bodies at the Fall.

Let us proclaim:

We will no longer be ashamed of the messy process of becoming.

We will no longer feel shame for incarnating into fragmentation.

We will no longer carry self-hatred for our very existences.

We will no longer be bound by the narrative of the evils of Eve.

We will no longer take this on.

Yes, these shadows live and have lived inside our bodies.

And, yet, an incredible Living Light also occupies this flesh.

It is the light of Eternity—indestructible, untarnished, unfettered.

And through its power to alchemize what is unconscious within us (which will arise again and again until we die, for this is what being human means), we devote ourselves to the liberation of body and mind, freeing ourselves first, so that we can offer truth and love to all our relations. Because that is what the Love living in this body is devoted to.

It may be messy, hard long. But we will not feel ashamed.

We will  feel the deep and astounding beauty, the goodness of our devotion, and the power of our Light. We will remember who we really are, hidden and bound under sometimes seemingly endless illusion. ALL OF US.

This is us—human—extraordinary Light bound in flesh, messily breathing and dancing on this very Earth, and we will not be ashamed.

We are free.

We are free.

We are free.

Jane Mayer

Jane Mayer is a medicine woman, creative, doula, and guide to the unseen realms, who delights in supporting humans and Earth in coming fully alive. Alongside supporting private clients, she writes, records and performs music, and guides a school for creativity and awakening.

A keeper of song and a lover of mythos, her practice is borne of the weaving of indigenous medicine from Peru, Hawaii and Ireland, the Christian mysticism of her home in the deep South, and a depth of knowledge in the nervous system, subtle body, and the somatic experience of awakening.

She holds deep trust in the wild intelligence of nature to guide all of Creation, and orients others to their deeper nature and innate gifts with sound, myth, dreams, plant, energy medicine and somatic integration.

She is devoted to the heart of all things, sacred union, and the liberation of all beings. To learn more, visit

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